Freemasonry is illumination

 Freemasonry is illumination through knowledge, power through brotherhood and tranformation from a good to a better man. Once you go through it, you never look at anything the same. It opens eyes, hearts and minds. Granted, the seeker seeks the illumination (You get out of it what put in it)

Raza Fayyaz


One of the best answers I’ve heard when asked what freemasonry is all about. And who would have thought that our JW is a wordsmith. Lol

2013 Christmas Morning Breakfast

I’m happy to report that the roads are safe right now because the only people on the roads are masons going to the temple for Christmas Morning breakfast.

The only time in the year that every light is green when you go to lodge is Christmas Morning Breakfast. That’s true Christmas Magic Lol.


Merry Christmas Brethren.. I hope all of you have a joyous day. I am so proud to be in your company and I looking forward to our year together. This is a special time of year and we really need to reflect on every thing we have to be grateful for. Safe travels to all and God Bless each and everyone of you.

Mark J. Gold WM

Lodge Christmas Party


Big Thanks to our Senior Warden Brother Steve Dilley and his team for a very nice party. Thank you Santa for coming. We all had a great time. I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Mark Gold WM

Merry Christmas to all of our families and may god bless you and your loved during this special holiday.

When is a Man a Mason

M -When he can look out over the rivers, the hills, and the far horizon with a profound sense of his own littleness in the vast scheme of things, and yet have faith, hope and courage–which is the root of every virtue.

A -When he knows tat down in his heart every man is as noble as himself, and seeks to know, to forgive, and to love his fellowmen.

S -When he knows how to sympathize with men in their sorrows, yea, even in their sins–knowing that each man fights a hard fight against many odds.

T -When he has learned how to make friends and to keep them, and above all how to keep friends with himself.

E -When he loves flowers, can hunt the birds without a gun, and feels the thrill of an old forgotten joy when he hears the laugh of a little child.

R -When he can be happy and high minded amid the meaner drudgeries of life.

: When star-crowned trees, and the glint of sunlight on flowing waters, subdue him like the thought of one much loved and long dead.

M -When no voice of distress reaches his ears in vain, and no hand seeks his aid without response.

A -When he finds good in every faith that helps any man to lay hold of divine things and sees majestic meanings in life, whatever the name of that faith may be.

S -When he can look into a wayside puddle and see something beyond sin.

O -When he knows how to pray how to love how to hope.

N -When he has kept faith with himself, with his fellowman, with his God; in his hand a sword for evil, in his heart a bit of song–glad to live, but not afraid to die! Such a man has found the only real secret of Masonry, and the one which it is trying to give all the world.”

—-Joseph Fort Newton—-

2013 Poinsettias

Good Morning Brethren, today we deliver the Poinsettias to the widows. We meet at 1:00 PM at the Temple. Please come out and participate in this very important gesture of remembrance.

Mark’s message

I would like to thank the Scottish Rite Valley of Canton for the use of their beautiful cathedral and the packet that was given to me last night. Big thanks to Jonnie and his team for the great meal. It was a great evening for me…one that I will never forget. Big thanks also to WB Bob Martelet for setting up the lodge and running the lights and RWB Goutras for an excellent job. Wait until you see my Gavel… Its exactly what I wanted…its beautiful…I almost don’t want to take it out of the house its that nice…thank you RWB Merriman. Congrats to all the New Masters that showed up..I hope you all have a great year and I’m looking forward to visiting with you throughout the year. Its was a big honor to have MWB Easterling RWB White, RWB Hutchins , RWB Bailey , RWB Lengler and WB Wallick there as well. Having my family and friends there to share made the evening complete, especially my beautiful lady Barbara. Thanks again to all….Mark