Final message from Joe

It was an honor serving the lodge as an officer over the last 7 years, it is one of the most purest things that I have ever done. It has truly changed my life. Thank you for all the memories.

WB Kostolich


Congratulations to the 2014 officers, its going to be a great year.

Most Worshipful James F. Easterling Jr.

On behalf of WB Joseph Kostolich and the officers and brethren we would like to congratulate Most Worshipful James F. Easterling Jr. on a great year in Freemasonry. He has been a true inspiration to us and set the stage for continued success for the fraternity. His motto is ” Together We Can “….I believe that…” Together We Did and will do again “. We are honored to have him as an Honorary member of our great lodge. Thank you Most Worshipful for your dedication to the Craft and all that you have done for our fraternity and we hope that you honor us on the sidelines of our lodge in the future.

Mark J. Gold SW

Lewis Beaver

The Dash

“I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on his tombstone, from the beginning to the end.

He noted that first came the date of his birth, and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.

For the dash represented all the time that he spent alive on Earth, and now only those who love him know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash. What matters is how we live and love, and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard , are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left, that can still be arranged.

So when your eulogy is read, with your life’s actions to rehash. Would you be proud of the things they say, about how you spent your dash?”

Unfortunately I do not know the author, but I stand in reverence to the memory of the Brother we will bury Tuesday.


I come to you with one of the most difficult duties that I have as a Worshipful Master. Our friend, WB Lewis Beaver has passed away. He passed away on July 20, 2013. We have no further details at this time. Please keep his family in your prayers.I will keep all of you updated on the details.

WB Lewis Beaver will be laid to rest on the eve of Tuesday 7/23/13 at 6:45pm at Schneeberger Funeral Home. The address is 2222 Fulton rd nw canton ohio. Please join us as we send our beloved brother and friend to the celestial lodge above. Thank you for your support.

Major Role

Do you realize that the officers of our lodge played a major role in the Masonic journey of over 200 Masons today? The grand lodge has asked a lot from William McKinley over the last 48 hours by scheduling our annual inspection and honoring us with portraying degree week in our Grand Masters One Day Class. As the Master of this lodge I could not be more honored to be a part of this officer line and our lodge. Thank you officers for stepping up delivering every time that I have asked you to and every time that our lodge and fraternity has needed us to. You always set a standard for others to follow and that is what it means to be an officer in our line and how serious we take it as officers. Thank you again for your devotion and thank your ladies for me as well for putting up with my schedule.

Joe and Grand Master

two very handsome well informed brothers caught in a conversation about world domination and since we were caught in the act; the only thing that we could have done to play it off was to smile for the camera
Grand Master and Worshipful Master of  William McKinley lodge 431 F&AM nspection night